Thursday, January 14, 2016

Why do I always turn back to Gilmore Girls?

It is the beginning of a new semester, and the start of new classes. One of my new classes is Media, Family and Human Development. For this class we been asked to keep a weekly blog of our media experiences. I always wanted to start a blog so this will be a nice push to start! 

In class this past Monday, a great question was asked:

Why do you watch what you do and why do you go back to it?

I immediately thought of my favorite TV show Gilmore Girls. While I have many favorites, this is one of the only TV shows that I continue to go back to and watch. 

What about it draws me in? Why do I watch it? Why do I continue to rewatch the series? Why was I sad at the end of series? Why I am super stoked for the revival of the show? 

One reason why I like this class already is because it has got my wheels to start turning. I am excited to open up my eyes and start to analyze media, especially the media I surround myself with. 

So let the analyzing begin!

What about it draws me in?
I really love the mother daughter relationship between Rory and Lorelai. I also love Rory's character and felt like I could relate to her personality. The the small town setting it was based in as well as the family and social dynamics also drew me into the show

Why do I watch it? 
I think the reasons why I have watched the show have progressed and changed. I began watching it because it was entertaining. After getting to know the show better I also watched it because I could relate to the situations and characters. Now days, I watch this show because it is a show I can turn on and zone out. 

Why do I continue to re watch the series? 
I continue to watch this show because it has become a classic to me. The story lines don’t become old and I still enjoy the show. The show has become like an old best friend that you can fall back on. I also continue to watch because I can turn it on at anytime and anywhere. It is a show you can pick up wherever. This is definitely nice when I am in school because it helps me to not binge watch new shows. Since I know what is going to happen, I don’t have to fall into the cycle of starting the next episode to find out what happens and getting sucked in for another episode! 

Why was I sad at the end of series? Why I am super stoked for the revival of the show? 

As crazy as it seems, I became attached! I was attached to the story and characters. It was hard to see it end because you just want to continue a long side the story to see what happens to the character’s lives. I am so excited for the revival because I want to see what happened to our long lost friends! I want to see how the Gilmore girls ended up and see how their lives have changed and progressed. 

In the end it's interesting to reflect and analyze the media we surround ourselves with because it can open our eyes and help us understand ourselves better. 


  1. I completely agree with you!!! I love Gilmore Girls and I find myself doing the same thing--watching and rewatching! It really has such a captivating story and the characters are so loveable. You said it perfectly in your post! : )

  2. I just started Gilmore Girls and I feel the same way! I started it at the beginning of the semester after so many people said they liked it in class and I am hooked for the same reasons you like it. I love the characters and the story line. I am already on season 2!

  3. Um....YES! I feel the exact same way. Easily in my top three favorite TV shows of all time.

  4. Gilmore Girls for lyfe. It's positivity and femininity always seem to keep me coming back! I feel like every girl can relate somehow and feel as if we become friends with the characters. GG will follow me to the grave <3
