Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Blessings of Media

So last night I watched The Fault in Our Stars for the first time! I know I am way late on the band wagon. However, it was a really great and a bittersweet movie. Definitely recommend if you haven't seen it. :)

It got me thinking about my own family and how cancer has affected us.

My dad passed away from cancer close to 5 months ago.

 But I am so grateful for all the memories that I have of him. Especially the recorded ones! 

We had almost a year and a half with my dad from the time he was diagnosed. Not thinking we get that much time, my husband started recording important events. My husband recorded my father's testimony, family discussions, and other special moments. I found these recordings to be such a blessing! 

I am also grateful for phones and Facetime, so I could communicate and see my dad when I couldn't be home. 

I am grateful that my dad always left messages on my voicemail, and that I have those to go back and listen to. 

I am grateful for the build-a-bear he made me and the recording he put inside of it, with his last message to me. 

I am grateful for the family friends that recorded the funeral, so I can go back and listen to those who spoke about the wonderful things my dad did during his life. 

I am especially grateful for the video he made before he passed away. I am grateful that he was able to talk about his life history, about his children and family, and about his testimony of the gospel.

Media has blessed my life, and like I have said, I am extremely grateful for it. The media will help me to remember my dad and have a different opportunity, than we have had in the past, to teach my future children about their grandpa.

1 comment:

  1. I love you Sara! This was such a sweet post, it made my day. Media can help us remember special things from our life. Most of my life has been journaled via media, and I'm really grateful for that.
