Saturday, February 20, 2016

Why do we Lurk?

Last week I was able to attend the Marion K. Underwood Lecture. One of the topics that was brought up was lurking, or in other words, checking your social media. Underwood said that lurking leads to social comparison, which is basically only seeing the good things happening in other peoples live's, and then feeling that your life isn't as great. The problem with this is that people don't tend to post what is really going on in their lives, especially the bad stuff. I think this is very true, but I also thought about how 3/4th of the posts I see on my own social media are usually more annoying than anything else. Which reminded me of a great Studio C video:

After thinking about this video, I thought about my own lurking habits. Why do I lurk? Especially if most of the people I see on social media are annoying? I definitely going to cut down on my lurking because it is pointless to waste time and be annoyed while doing it. 


  1. This is something that I had a problem with as well. And I found that although in person I am friends with most people on my facebook, but there are some people that post negative or annoying posts and I have evaluated whether I should stay friends and unfollow them or just unfriend them as they likely won't notice. Now I get on facebook a lot less often because it doesn't change very often. With less happening in my news feed I'm less likely to waste any time on facebook.

  2. Totally in the same boat as you. It's such a waste of time, yet I find myself doing it whenever I have a spare moment just our of habit.

  3. I think we all have this bad habit of lurking. I am trying to be less of a lurker now. Even if it was an okay habit, the word lurk makes it sound like you are a creeper.

  4. I'm with you on this one! I really try to limit myself to just the top things that are being liked/shared. If I didn't lurk a little, I would probably miss out on a lot of engagements, pregnancy announcements that I want to know about, but there are lots of people who post things that I don't need to spend any time on.

    One of the best things I did a couple months ago was deleting facebook off my phone. I really just try to use it for event info and keeping up with old friends, and it's saved me a lot of time.
