Thursday, March 3, 2016

Thoughts on Miss Representation

After watching Miss Representation it got my wheels turning and it reminded me of this video:

The documentary and video opened my eyes to the messages people in our society are sending, without even realizing it. It is something that is so ingrained into our lives and that seems normal and not wrong. I will definitely be more conscious of what I say and I hope that I can teach my future children that they are not confined to what society subliminally teaches them.


  1. I love that commercial. I totally agree with you. We definitely have a long way to go before "like a girl" evokes what we would all hope- what a woman really is. Thanks for sharing!

  2. It's sad to think that this type of media and objectification really is "normal" and so widely accepted. I really like this commercial and hope that we can make progress towards this!

  3. It definitely made me stop and think too about some of the thoughts I have and things I say about other people. It made me be more conscious about not judging other people based on trivial things like appearance.
